Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sin For A Season

"He (Moses) chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to 
enjoy the pleasures of sin
for a short time." Hebrews 11:25

I don't know what's in it or how it's made. I'm pretty sure the box labeled "Nutrition Facts" is a misnomer because there isn't any. The small print even says, "Not a significant source of other nutrients." But who reads the small print. I certainly don't.

I don't read the small print or care about the nutrients, or rather the lack thereof. I don't even wonder if this little stick of gum has any harmful effects. I just know it tastes good and I trust the claim of long lasting flavor on the front of the package. That's not in small print. The manufacturer wants you to know his product is the best. I'm pretty sure the nitrition information was put there by some legal department. 

So I take off the shiny silver wrapper and if I'm in my car drop it in the cupholder. If I'm out a purse or pocket will due and then I put the sugar free sperarmint piece of gum in my mouth. It freshens my breath. It takes away any bitter taste that was there before. It is chewed and enjoyed. Until ...

Until the flavor is gone.

Isn't that how sin is? We don't worry about the consequences, don't think about the compromise. We just want what we want. We want pleasure to soothe our pain. We've bought into the claims of long lasting pleasure, never counting the cost. Moses knew the cost and he chose not to sin. He read the bold (but small) print that said "Contains Phenylalanine" and took it as a warning. I'm not sure why my gum package says that. I'm sure it's some chemical that people need to be aware of. Maybe it's a known alergin. That doesn't stop me from chewing. When it comes to gum, I do not have the resolve of Moses.

But I wouldn't mind having some of Moses' DNA running through me when it comes to sin. My head knows the fun won't last: that guilt, shame and other consequences must also have their seasons in due time. Yet, that shiny wrapper lies crumpled in the cupholder as I endulge, as I let my sinful nature drive me once again. But there's one other season that will come. It's the season of redemption and it starts with repentance---turning away from my sin.

So what season are you in?

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