Thursday, January 12, 2023



No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mam-mon. Luke 16:13

    Mam-mom, which is sometimes translated as money, really means a significant amount of riches. It further means wealth as an object of worship. Maybe you’ve heard this verse used to suggest Christians should be poor and that is not true. We can have money as long as it does not become an object of worship.

   Servant hood is the highest form of worship. I love to serve: it is one of my spiritual gifts. I have served God in my career choice as an instructional assistant to people with special needs. I no longer work and I miss it even though it was hard, physical work. I had some adult clients that didn’t always want to do what they were told. I’ve been threatened with assault, hit and almost choked by the necklace I was wearing. But each time God gave me what I needed.

      I have served in the church, which really is one of the most painful places to go unnoticed. I’ve had to bring my attitude into check more than once as others around me were thanked for their service. I do not tell you how I’ve used my servant’s heart to bring glory to me, but to say it’s a heart turned over to God and I’m coming to terms with it. I am who I am because of the spirit that dwells within. I am influenced by the Master I have chosen to serve. And as I serve I am worshipping.

     Can you let go of the worship of things to serve the only One worthy of worship. 

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