Monday, June 26, 2023


And He said unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?

They say unto him, Ceasar’s. Then saith he unto them,

Render therefore unto Ceasar the things that are Ceasar’s;

And unto God the things that are God’s. Matthew 22:20-21


     Jesus was being set up by the Pharisees. Not only did He know it but He called the messengers on the carpet for it. They were probably expecting Him to say that everything belongs to God and they should no longer pay taxes to Ceasar. But He didn’t get tripped up.

     It was Ceasar whose face was on the “tribute money” so taxes belonged to Him. We know from the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament that God expects our tithes and offerings. The government takes its cut before we even get our check so we cannot give God our “first fruits” but we can give Him our first decisive act. I’ve always been taught that the tithe is the first check and offering is over and above the 10% we are called to give.

      Once a year we have to check with our taxman. We have benefitted from a tax credit the last few years so we usually only have to pay the tax preparer and then wait for a check. That check may have the treasurer’s name on it but it is made out to us for us to decide what to do with it. The first decision is obedience to tithing and then an offering is given to my church.

      Whose face is before you when you’re thinking about your money? Give back to God what is really His and the tax collector what the law has awarded him.  Don’t let anyone trip you up in your resolve to live by the example of Christ.

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