Thursday, January 13, 2022


Relaunching my devotional blog by sharing from a collection I call Touching The Words of Christ. The idea came to me one night when my mother, who was blind, was staying with us. We had a baby monitor in her room so she could call out if she needed us. Anyway, I could hear her fingers moving across the page of her Bible. She always read from the book of Psalms before bed. All of a sudden, I felt like an intruder. I also envied her ability to read without visual distractions. And I was reminded of the quote on the wall at the Braille Institute: "There is a wonder in reading Braille that the sighted will never know: to touch words and have them touch you back." Jim Fiebig.  I knew Grade 2 Braille came about to condense books. Without having to spell every word out space is saved. It takes about a third of the space. Mom's Bible was in multiple volumes which took up a 4-foot bookshelf. Without contractions I would have had to give up my bedroom to be used as a library. My idea for a devotional started broadly but has narrowed to using words that Jesus spoke as recorded in the New Testament.  Originally based on the King James version with the difference noted when the NIV uses a different word than the focus word.  Maybe I will never know what it is to touch The Word of God, an experience my mother had every day.  And maybe it is no different, but it is a wonder, isn’t it?  Under her fingertips was the living Word of The Almighty.  Could she feel His Breath on Adam, His compassion on Noah and his family, His pain at Calvary?  Can I?     I hope you're blessed. Please follow & feel free to share.