Saturday, June 17, 2023


For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men

have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them;

and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them. Matthew 13:17



       The disciples had asked Jesus why He spoke in parables, not telling them straight out what He wanted them to know. His answer: for greater understanding and blessing. They have a sought after knowledge. A knowledge that comes from openness: open eyes, open ears and most especially open hearts.

      Those are the things men seek after, Jesus is saying. Those: it’s an indicator of distance as in those things over there. And for the many prophets and righteous men Jesus spoke of it was “those things” over there just out of reach. No arms could reach it. No footsteps could bring them closer to it. It would remain out of reach until they were open to it.

    Can you imagine being in their sandals and having something that many prophets and righteous were seeking after? You don’t have to imagine: you do have it and more. You have, not just what some seek but what the world needs. You have the saving knowledge of Christ. You have the written word of God where the things of Christ were prophesied and their fulfillment recorded. Jesus is the all they need to fill their empty hearts. He longs for them to have open eyes, ears and hearts and you are part of that process.

      Those things He has done need to be brought to light and put within the reach of a hungry, hurting world. You can be the arms and feet which bring understanding within reach when you pair your efforts with prayer for openness of those who would receive.

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