Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Like Sand Through The Hourglass

When I said, "My foot is slipping,"
your love, O Lord, supported me.
Psalm 94:18

When times are tough snippets of Amy Grant's song "Arms of Love" comes to me. It's a song about storms and trying to walk in shifting sand but there's a line in there that can't be overlooked. She talks about staying in God's protective arms even when the sky is far from gray. Hmmmm. How often do we miss that point? We casually walk across the stepping stones on the path of life and carefreely find ourselves skipping from time to time.


Until we start to slip and then we're reaching for help. As I was reading the lyrics and listening to the song the opening from the soap Days Of Our Lives came to me. I didn't hear the words as much as I saw that big ol' hourglass and it dawned on me, it's hard to walk in this world. The sand in our personal hourglass is constantly shifting but so is the sand of circumstance. In this fallen world we are all just one slip away from a stumble but we are also one slip away from a Savior.

And a realization.

He's there to catch us because He never left. We can walk in shifting sand because we walk with a never changing God. His steadfast love steadies us. The psalmist said it, Amy Grant sang it, we just have to believe it. 

Believe and then receive.

When the sand runs out of my hourglass I will stand with Him on streets of gold. How about you? 

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