Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Basic Istructions Before Leaving Earth

"Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life." Proverbs 4:13

They're scattered all over the apartment: the kitchen catch-all drawer or as it's more appopriately called the junk drawer; the computer desk; the file marked 'user manuals'; and more than likely wherever I set one of them down after reading. I don't even think I have some of the appliances represented in the photo above and I know before I cleaned out the file I had instructions for Robby the Robot and my electric typewriter from high school. (I won't say how old they are but let's face it, there are kids today who don't even know what a typewriter is.) 

The manuals above are rarely consulted since I pretty much know how things work. Life is a different matter though, I don't know how it works. Even after all these years I need to be referring to The Manual daily and putting the instructions in a safe place. Hiding it in my heart sounds like good advice and it's found in The Manual as well.

Proverbs is a book full of wisdom. There are gentle admonishments full-blown warnings, blessings and curses. I really like how chapter 4 reads; as a father giving his son advice. It lends itself to how we relate to God as our Father. 

We must hide His instructions in our heart right next to our adoption certificate declaring us His children. When we ask Jesus into our hearts, that adoption certificate is signed by His shed blood. 

I wonder if people look at my life if they can see His instuctions scattered about at the ready for consultation as a situation arises. What about you? Are you reading The Manual and holding onto instuction?

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